“For whatever success I have had is because of the hard work and dedication and courage of so many other people.”— Induction Quote, 2015
Colin E. MacDonald is Chairman and co-founder of Clearwater Seafoods Incorporated and co-owner and director of Clearwater Fine Foods Inc. Colin is frequently acknowledged for his community involvement and industry leadership. His extensive career has led to several leadership roles within the seafood business and with community organizations.
APA 7th Edition
The Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame. (2021, October 5). Colin MacDonald. Nova Scotia Business Laureates Digital Archive. Retrieved from: https://nslaureates.ca/laureates/colin-macdonald.
MLA 9th Edition
The Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame. 5 Oct. 2021. “Colin MacDonald”. Nova Scotia Business Laureates Digital Archive, nslaureates.ca/laureates/colin-macdonald.