“Joe has played a vital role shaping the landscape of the Canadian airline industry. . . His strong management and entrepreneurial mindset has, and will continue, to guide him to success.”— Gina Kinsman (2017)
With passion for flying and this region, Joe has been a leader for the airline industry over his entire career. He navigated the ever-changing airline world to build Jazz Aviation into Canada’s second largest airline in terms of fleet size. Chorus has various aviation interests and is the parent company of Jazz Aviation LP, Voyageur Aviation Corp. and Chorus Aviation Capital Corp
APA 7th Edition
The Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame. (2021, October 5). Joe Randell. Nova Scotia Business Laureates Digital Archive. Retrieved from: https://nslaureates.ca/laureates/joe-randell.
MLA 9th Edition
The Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame. “Joe Randell”. Nova Scotia Business Laureates Digital Archive, 5 Oct. 2021. nslaureates.ca/laureates/joe-randell.