"He's a person who has helped people throughout his life, and many of the things he has done throughout his life have gone unreported, because that's the way Charlie Keating would have wanted it.”— Manning MacDonald (2005)
Entrepreneur, leader and visionary, Keating pioneered the cable television industry in Nova Scotia and founded Access Communications Inc. Dedicated to improving his community, Keating remains highly regarded for his generous philanthropic activities.
APA 7th Edition
The Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame. (2021, October 5). Charles W. Keating. Nova Scotia Business Laureates Digital Archive. Retrieved from: https://nslaureates.ca/laureates/charles-w-keating.
MLA 9th Edition
The Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame. “Charles W. Keating”. Nova Scotia Business Laureates Digital Archive, 5 Oct. 2021. nslaureates.ca/laureates/charles-w-keating.