“If you want to succeed in something, you must invest. Throughout the course of Comeau Sea Foods, I had to invest to continue growing.”— Biography (2011)
Bernardin Comeau took a small fishing boat and turned it into one of Nova Scotia’s largest seafood producers. Dedicated to his Acadian Roots, Comeau was a champion to those of Acadian Heritage, ensuring their culture and way of life is preserved for future generations.
APA 7th Edition
The Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame. (2021, October 5). Bernardin Comeau. Nova Scotia Business Laureates Digital Archive. Retrieved from: https://nslaureates.ca/laureates/bernardin-comeau.
MLA 9th Edition
The Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame. “Bernardin Comeau”. Nova Scotia Business Laureates Digital Archive, 5 Oct. 2021. nslaureates.ca/laureates/bernardin-comeau.